
Arabic calligraphy

Inscribed in 2021 at UNESCO Arabie saoudite – Algérie – Bahreïn – Égypte – Iraq – Jordanie – Koweït – Liban – Mauritanie – Maroc – Oman –...

Al-Sirah Al-Hilaliyyah epic

Inscribed in 2008 at UNESCO This oral poem, also known as the Hilali epic, recounts the saga of the Bani Hilal Bedouin tribe and its migration...

Traditional hand puppetry

Inscribed in 2018 on the List of Intangible Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding Al-Aragoz is an old form of Egyptian theatre using...

Tahteeb, stick game

Inscribed in 2016 at UNESCO In ancient Egypt, tahteeb was used as a form of martial arts. Its role has since changed to that of a festive game...